Website Copyright Notice
All materials produced by Mount 51²Ö¿â personnel on official pages of the Mount 51²Ö¿â website are protected by copyright.
Copyright Notice
What you can do with the Material
- Display the Material on your computer's screen or on another equivalent device
- Make a single fixed copy for the sole purpose of your personal reference
What you can't do with the Material
- Make multiple fixed copies of the Material. For example, you may not store the file on disk and print a copy, nor may you print a copy and then duplicate the printed copy by xerography.
- Redistribute the Material by any means to any other person or machine
These restrictions are applied to help guarantee that the information you receive from us is correct and timely. If you think you need to redistribute any of this Material, please obtain written permission from the Trustees of Mount 51²Ö¿â, South Hadley, MA 01075.
Use of material on the College website
Copyrighted material may not be used on a Mount 51²Ö¿â Web page without permission of the copyright owner. The MHC Copyright Notice includes what you can and cannot do with material related to the College's website.
Mount 51²Ö¿â does not permit web posting of content that is illegal, that violates license rights or other contractual agreements, or that violates the privacy rights of any individual.
Mount 51²Ö¿â students, faculty and staff members are expected to comply with the Mount 51²Ö¿â.
Persons uploading content and graphics to a Mount Holyoke webpage are responsible for ensuring that copyrights are respected. College-owned photographic images that are anywhere in the public portion of the College website may be republished without payment, although permission must be requested from the Office of Communications, and a photo credit should accompany republication of the photograph.
See the for further details on the use of copyrighted material.